This May, exocad company - a leader in CAD/CAM software - and a part of Align Technology conglomerate released a new digital tool for the production of high-quality partial dentures.
PartialCAD 3.2 Elefsina software - is an all-in-one solution that makes it possible to design complicated dentures (screw-retained or with clasps) in one digital environment. Also, Elefsina can be connected to the 3D printing software, allowing you to print all dentures' parts in parallel and then, assemble them in a few minutes.

This tool notably optimizes the doctor's work, saving time and effort. Elefsina also includes:
- a set of editable presets that can memorize and repeat the previous results.
- an animated preview of separate elements.
- QuickSnapp - an instrument that can assemble designed parts.
Elesfina - is a part of Align Digital Platform, a complex set of dental software produced by Align Technology - and can be integrated with other tools from this system.
Considering that recently, the dental 3D printing industry was modernized by a novel resin-based printing approach, Elasfina may be combined with such technology, guaranteeing fast and precise partial denture production.