July 17, 2024

Remedico June Update

Remedico June Update Article Main Image

June'2024 We are happy to present our new update, including various improvements in the management toolkit to make the user experience smoother and more effective. We are carefully tracking all users' feedback to create the most beneficial digital clinic management software, enhancing your administrative and accounting tasks.

Extended comments


Now, you can attach a comment to the particular treatment case, procedure, or document. All your comments are collected in the "Overview" interface with a navigation button that sends you directly to the source, simplifying the managing dentist's and front-desk notes.

Medicine notes

Medicine Comment

We have added a special note section for drugs used during a particular dental procedure to ensure that doctors do not miss such important information from the anamnesis.

Allergy details


It is impossible to underestimate the importance of allergy data – now you are able to use the interface with extended multichoice for Allergen Reaction to specify what exactly happened to the patients when they met a particular stimulus. This knowledge is crucial for treating people with significant predispositions to allergies and allows dentists to prepare for specific reactions and conditions to handle them.

New Charts

Sequence 01

To find this feature, visit the Analytics tab. Diagrams and coherent infographics describing the business performance are crucial for every successful clinic. We've added two types of charts:

  • Revenue – here, you can check your clinic's latest income for the week, month, or year to determine its most profitable day or season.
  • Revenue Per Doctor – will help you to find the most effective (from the side of income) specialist during the same timeframe, which may be used to establish a reward system in your team.

Financial reports are fundamental to successful management and crucial for any type of strategic decision regarding business development.

Flexible file types


Remedico has four different kinds of documents:

  • Images – graphical files such as jpeg, pdf, png, and other illustrations
  • Radiology – containing medical images in DICOM format
  • Documents – type for text files
  • STL – files containing 3D models

We've added a feature that makes it possible to categorize the file into another group, so now you are able to customize your workspace more precisely.

Calendar Update


Good news for the clinics' administrators: we improved the calendar filters and added a feature allowing to Show or Hide the Weekends, which makes it easy to schedule appointments and find a suitable time for specialists and clients a bit faster and much more comfortable.

Patient filters


Another helpful feature that makes your client management much smoother – is a bunch of new filters in the Patient tab, helping you sort clients and find the one you need. You can view the list by Name and Appointment Dates. Also, a Doctor feature was added to the sheet.

Partial Invoice

Invoice (2)

This part of the update is dedicated to clinics' financial flexibility, which you can find on the Patient tab. From now on, clinics will be able to process a bill for partial payment. Our software will automatically generate a digital invoice and attach it to the client's profile after the payment with an annotated paid amount and the remaining sum.

A user-oriented financial policy will make your clinic more attractive to customers, as you offer flexible payments and provide coherent documentation.

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About author:

Iurii Borysyuk

Product Manager, Remedico

10 years of platform development left Iurii hungry to start his own product from scratch, so he joined the team from day one with no doubts.

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