July 23, 2024

New Business Collaboration Boosted Dental AI

New Business Collaboration Boosted Dental AI Article Main Image

Pearl is a US-based technological company that develops a diagnostic AI tool for dentists. This software - called Second Opinion - is the first-ever FDA-approved algorithm that is able to detect diseases through dental X-rays.

Pearl's tool is an excellent example of Augmented Intelligence—a system in which a doctor uses AI algorithms as an assistant or advisor, making the diagnostic and treatment processes much more precise.

In order to improve Second Opinion's capabilities, recently, Pearl announced a collaboration with Patterson Dental Canada – Canadian spinn-of of large dental supplies conglomerate.

What's a plan?

Screenshot 2024 07 24 at 1.00.12 Pm

Patterson Dental provides various dental software for clinic management and therapies, and the company plans to include Pearl's diagnostic software in its toolset, which includes Patterson's Eaglesoft, Fuse, and Dolphin platforms.

Thus, Pearl software is now available for every North American facility.

Why is it important?

Expanding the usage of diagnostic AI increases its general accuracy due to the gradual analysis of new amounts of data. In simple words, the more people use Diagnostic AI, the more effective it becomes.

This collaboration is another brick in the colossal 'building' of healthcare AI – probably the most complicated and complex type of AI tool. You can read more about this sophisticated industry in our comprehensive long read about the topic: 'Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Webinar Review'.

** cover obtained from hellopearl.com

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Serhii Zhelieznikov

Editor At Large

After spending few years as a news reporter and editor in medical field, Serhii joined Remedico to make sure that growing Remedico community gets the best and the most important news. Serhii filters hundreds of titles, events and releases daily to bring only what is important.

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